My heart is heavy as I write this, I decided to go through my emails and clean up that space. I have to say that dreaded day, September 8th, haunted me once again. I knew that Camryn was being prayed for and our family was loved…after all, that is the only thing that pulled me through that day. But I had NO idea the magnitude that she impacted the DOC (diabetic online community), family and friends. There were hundreds of emails, tags, posts, texts and private messages that I didn’t even realize. I am beyond humbled. I am lost for words…people all over the world heard of baby Camryn being in severe DKA and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 11 months old and passed the word on for prayers and good thoughts to be lifted. I in no way, shape or form could respond to all, but it wasn’t till tonight that I realized all that I missed…so many beautiful people, some we know very well and others I had never heard of, were all about praying for her pulling through. You are ALL angels and I apologize that at that time I couldn’t respond…I thought maybe I could respond tonight but after reading hundreds of outreaches, I realized it would be impossible to respond to everyone. But I wanted to, that is who I am, you all have touched me beyond words. I cried several times tonight trying to realize the depths of love from each of you!! I am touched and even though I couldn’t respond due to the urgent nature of her at the time, some way each and every one of you not only pulled her out of severe DKA, but gave this D momma strength she didn’t even know was inside of her. I just wanted to say thanks from the bottom of my heart!! I knew we were a part of an amazing support system but I had no idea the depths of it!!! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for including us in their prayers. She got really sick on our family vacation and today as I pull those pictures up I am saddened beyond belief…vacation is to be the happiest time of the year, but some part of me realizes that I am so blessed to have what I have and each day when I see my three children and they smile their gorgeous smiles at me I am reminded so tenderly how truly blessed I am. Life doesn’t promise easy, life sometimes isn’t fair, but I realize that we are given strength even when we feel the very weakest and most vulnerable. I couldn’t make it through this storm without my family and amazing friends that keep us in their daily thoughts and prayers. A HUGE thank you to all!!